Thursday, May 03, 2007

Welcome, Friend!

Welcome to this place of peace. Lay your head in the lap of loving and feel the calm assurance of Truth settle into your bones. The world is not always what it appears ... it is what we make it. There is far more good in the world than bad. All we need do is cast our focus upon the good and it will become the predominent view.

In truth, we create our reality. What does that really mean for us? If we knew that we created everything, from the tiniest to the greatest details of our lives, would we really settle for anything but the best?

Well, it is true. If we watch the news, that becomes our reality. But if we focus on peace, our world becomes beautiful. If there were no news-watching, there would be no need for media the likes of which we now have. If we were all so busy loving each other, then peace would just BE. The world will conform to its audience, my friend. There is no doubt of that. If you doubt this, try an experiment. Try to manifest a cup of coffee or something else kind of small and insignificant; something that you don't have deep beliefs about. Then sit back and watch that thing pop into your day like magic.

I am an alumni of the Seminary of Spiritual Peacemaking founded by James Twyman of the Beloved Community. My heart was called to minister to the wounded hearts of this world and to gently remind them that they hold the answer to their dreams.

The message is not new. It has been shouted to the world by great minds with great hearts throughout the halls of time and is still being carried on the winds, if you'll only listen:

"Be the change you wish to see in the world!" (Gandhi)

"There is no way to peace; peace is the way." (A.J. Musti)

"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other." (Mother Teresa)

"The more we sweat for peace, the less we bleed in war." (Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit)

"Peace is more important than all justice." (Martin Luther)

"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without." (Buddha)

All the world's a canvas, and each life a masterpiece in its legacy. What do you want to create in this world? Take a moment to gather your mental picture of an ideal world, and then paint your pictures here, my friend. Draw stories from your personal archives of peace in action. Post here your stories of triumph where building bridges of peace overcame differences. In truth, there is far more good happening on this planet we call home than bad; we just need to herald this news for our fellow journeyors. Peace is quiet, while pain clamors. We need to shout our quiet message louder than the other storytellers. (On a practical note, if you have something to post, please send me an email at and I will set the permissions to allow you to post; this blog's software does not allow me to set up permissions for unlimited posters, but rather, requires me to input them individually).

Together we will build strong currents of joy and oceans of peace, with little boats of wonder and dreams floating all about. You need not be timid in the crafting of dreams. Be adventurous! Share your excitement! Make bold strokes on this canvas and laugh with the sun, for the light of our dawn will outshine any darkness.

Tend your heart! Root out every pain and plant the seeds of peace! Grow yourself a fertile garden within your heart; from there your soul will lead you to joy, without fail.

Your life is what you make it. So is the world. Peace is the way to joy ... so, better get crackin'!

1 comment:

Pete and Jan said...

Absolutely stunning! Thank you for this gift. I'm on board and ready for whatever blessing shows up in my life that will be a result of this important work being put out there by you. So glad you are in our life.